Located at: India

Host organization(s):

National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Contact person(s):

Prof. Krushnamegh Kunte: krushnamegh@ncbs.res.in, +91 9483-525-925

Mr. Viraj Nawge: virajnawge@ncbs.res.in, +91 9589-027-090

Aim of the project

  • To survey butterfly populations on the NCBS and GKVK campuses
  • Create educational materials such as brochures and field guides for butterfly identifications and surveys for the Bengaluru area
  • Study population dynamics of butterflies to understand long-term trends in butterfly populations in response to changing climate, habitat management, urban pollution, etc.

Regular activities

  • Two-weekly counts of butterflies on campus, conducted since 2013
  • Butterfly counts in other areas in and around Bengaluru, such as Doresanipalya Forest Research Campus, Bangalore University Campus, Savanadurga, Devarayanadurga, and Valley School

Infrastructure for hosting visiting butterfly-watchers?

Academic visitors can be hosted in the NCBS guest house. Write to Prof. Kunte or Mr. Nawge about this.

Explore observations from this Local Project

Coming soon ...

Other notes

See all the other local projects here.

Page citation

Nawge, V., and K. Kunte. 2025. LOCAL PROJECTS: NCBS BUTTERFLY BIOLOGY PROJECT . In (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. . Indian Foundation for Butterflies.